Monday, June 17, 2019


Deep in darkness     they bray blindly
Fervently reaching forth
                                hands seeking hearts
Assaulting, attacking     wrecking the weak

Their words wrathful     angry, baseless and base
Fire in their fists
                                Still they scuttle
Fish pale fellows     craven cowards all

(c) Todd H. C. Fischer, 2019

Friday, June 14, 2019

The Best of Helios Quarterly (Volume One)

The Best of Helios Quarterly (Volume One) celebrates three years of diverse #horror, #sciencefiction, and #fantasy from around the world!

@heliosquarterly is a horror, science fiction, and fantasy quarterly #litmag launched in 2016. This anthology will feature short stories published in Helios Quarterly Magazine Volume 1, Issue 1 through Helios Quarterly Magazine Volume 3, Issue 4. Help us reach our goal of $300 in 30 days to unlock amazing full-wrap cover design by GEORGE C. COTRONIS (@ravenkult). The anthology will feature 15 of our best short stories by Alexis Henderson, Stephen Scott Whitaker, H.L. Fullerton, Louis Rakovich, Jack Lothian, Jenny Blackford, Sara Codair, Todd H.C. Fischer, Christopher Benamati, Melion Traverse, Clayton Snyder, Angela Boswell, Edmund Schluessel, J.B. Riley, and David M. Chevalier.

Support the Kickstarter!

Yet another literary blog!

This one is home to Todd H. C. Fischer, an artist, writer, photographer, gamer and designer who is available to help you with your endeavours!

All works on this page are (c) Todd H. C. Fischer, 1997-2020.

If interested in reprinting any of the articles, stories, poems or songs that appear on this page, please contact the author.