Friday, January 28, 2011


Stenomorphisis: The process by which the written word changes the world.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Two new books available!

Things yet Undreamed (Stonebunny Press, 2011)

A collection of Todd H. C. Fischer's tales inspired by the Old Gent of Providence (H.P. Lovecraft), including the stories "Old Idols", "A Drink at Shub's", "Dunn's Point", and many, many more. With an introduction by Ian Rogers (author of "The Ash Angels").

Buy it now at!

Septentrius Historium (Stonebunny Press, 2011)

This volume collects several publications written for the Barony of Septentria, a chapter within the SCA (a medieval recreation group). For more information about the SCA go to

Buy it now at!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Work progresses...

Rings: I've been working on this 'Canadian Gothic' tale for almost ten years. I'm finally into the final revision stage.

Unnamed YA novel: I'll be writing a fantasy young adult novel for a new small publishing house. We first talked about this project a year ago, and at the time I did not think I could fit it in with other commitments. However, two days ago we talked about the project again and it is now high on the list of writing priorities.

Yet another literary blog!

This one is home to Todd H. C. Fischer, an artist, writer, photographer, gamer and designer who is available to help you with your endeavours!

All works on this page are (c) Todd H. C. Fischer, 1997-2020.

If interested in reprinting any of the articles, stories, poems or songs that appear on this page, please contact the author.