Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Put thy pen to paper, slaggard,
Let words from thought escape and fly.
Or see the worlds that could have been
Wither, rot, and die.

Friday, September 30, 2016

In memory of Boaz.

My good friends Deb and Pete lost their greyhound Boaz earlier this month. I felt moved to write a short poem to remember this gentle, zoomy, moose.


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Cleaned up the Shop

In a long awaited update, the Shop page has been updated. Christmas is not all that far away, and your friends and family might enjoy a book of short stories, poetry, folklore or tales of medieval re-enactment!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

New Book Available!

Within the Society for Creative Anachronism, Duke Nigel MacFarlane, KSCA, has reigned as king twice in the Kingdom of Ealdormere and has been a knight for over a decade. Originally from the Middle Kingdom he now dwells in the northlands with his lady, Duchess Adrielle Kerrec, OP, OL, surrounded by their household of Arrochar. In this volume, Sir Nigel expounds on the nature of chivalry, with his words on the subject being transcribed by his squire, TH Laird Colyne Stewart (also known as Todd H. C. Fischer). Within you can read his thoughts on the virtues, pilgramages, the taking of dependents, and more.

Order it on Amazon.

Yet another literary blog!

This one is home to Todd H. C. Fischer, an artist, writer, photographer, gamer and designer who is available to help you with your endeavours!

All works on this page are (c) Todd H. C. Fischer, 1997-2020.

If interested in reprinting any of the articles, stories, poems or songs that appear on this page, please contact the author.