
Todd H. C. Fischer (he/him) is a graduate of York University in Canada, with a double honours BA in English and Creative Writing, where he studied many different forms of literature and poetry. Mr. Fischer has had work recently appear in (or is slated to appear in) journals such as The Compleat Anachronist (a medievalist journal); magazines such as Scryptic Magazine, Helios Quarterly, NonBinary Review, The Healing Muse and Unlikely Voices; and anthologies such as Untimely Frost (Lycan Valley Press), and Corporate Cthulhu (Pickman’s Press)

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Yet another literary blog!

This one is home to Todd H. C. Fischer, an artist, writer, photographer, gamer and designer who is available to help you with your endeavours!

All works on this page are (c) Todd H. C. Fischer, 1997-2020.

If interested in reprinting any of the articles, stories, poems or songs that appear on this page, please contact the author.